100 interesting facts about dolphins

Dolphins are rightfully considered the most intelligent creatures of the deep sea. Dolphins belong to the group of mammals. They feed their young with milk. In addition, dolphins communicate with each other using sounds. They also understand people very well and can be trained. There are cases in history when dolphins saved people. Therefore, we suggest further viewing more interesting and amazing facts about dolphins.

1. Dolphins are considered the most popular and most amazing animals among all types of marine animals.

2. These sea creatures are famous for their cheerful character and high intelligence.

3. During sleep, only half of their brains are used by dolphins.

4. An average dolphin can eat about 13 kg of fish per day.

5. A wide range of sounds are capable of creating these marine animals.

6. One of the loudest sounds of dolphins is a click.

7. Dolphins help people with developmental disabilities and psychological therapy.

8. Dolphins in a playful situation can create bubbles.

9. The largest member of the dolphin family is the killer whale.

10. More than nine meters in length can reach killer whales.

11. Dolphins have sex for pleasure.

12. These sea creatures can swim at speeds up to 40 km per hour.

13. More than 11 km per hour is the normal swimming speed of dolphins.

14. Dolphins are considered the most intelligent animals in the world.

15. Mostly in flocks of up to ten individuals, these marine animals live.

16. Temporary dolphin associations can reach 1000 individuals.

17. About 120 cm is the length of the smallest dolphin.

18. The weight of the largest representative of this family can reach up to 11 tons.

19. An average dolphin weighs over 40 kg.

20. The skin of these sea creatures is very thin.

21. Dolphin skin is easily damaged by sharp objects.

22. Twelve months can last a period of pregnancy in a female dolphin.

23. About 17 months is the gestation period for killer whales.

24. There are about 100 teeth in the mouth of a dolphin.

25. Dolphins do not chew their food, but swallow it.

26. From the Greek word “Delphis” comes the name of the dolphin.

27. Dolphins can dive up to 304 meters deep.

28. Many of these marine animals live in fairly shallow water.

29. Within the group, bonds between dolphins are very strong.

30. Dolphins can take care of injured and sick individuals.

31. These sea creatures breathe air.

32. These marine animals breathe air through the breather.

33. Most species of dolphins live in salt water.

34. The oldest dolphin died at 61.

35. These marine animals give birth to babies tail first.

36. Dolphins use echolocation to find food.

37. An interesting hunting tactic is often used by these sea creatures.

38. Dolphins cannot fully sleep in order to constantly breathe.

39. Dolphins are considered very interesting and playful animals.

40. These marine animals can jump up to a height of about six meters.

41. Dolphins can play with some kinds of animals.

42. Dolphins learn foreign languages.

43. Swimming with these sea creatures helps relieve stress, tension and insomnia.

44. Since ancient times, dolphins have attracted people with their benevolence.

45. About 70 species of these sea creatures are known today.

46. Dolphins recognize their reflection in the mirror.

47. Dolphins in the water constantly swim in a circle.

48. These sea creatures live in family flocks.

49. Dolphins help each other in a flock.

50. Each dolphin has a name.

51. Dolphins are very similar to people.

52. These sea creatures have a four-chambered heart.

53. The brain of dolphins has the same weight as that of a human.

54. A dolphin cannot look at objects straight ahead.

55. These sea creatures can spend about seven minutes without air underwater.

56. Dolphins communicate with each other using echolocation.

57. Up to 20 minutes, a dolphin can stay under water in case of danger.

58. Certain serious skills of dolphins allow them to easily adapt to any environment.

59. During the first month of life, these sea creatures do not sleep.

60. Dolphins can use the sonar system of sound signals continuously for 15 days.

61. Dolphins explore the world around them with the help of squeaks and clicks.

62. The eyes of these creatures can see a 300-degree panoramic environment.

63. Dolphins can look in different directions at the same time.

64. These sea creatures are able to see in low light.

65. Every two hours, the entire layer of skin in dolphins changes.

66. The skin of dolphins contains a substance that repels parasites.

67. Any damage on the skin of dolphins heals quickly.

68. These sea creatures do not experience pain.

69. Dolphins can continue to play after being seriously injured.

70. Dolphins are able to produce a natural painkiller.

71. Dolphins are able to convert 80% of their energy into thrust.

72. With open wounds, dolphins swim in the ocean.

73. These sea creatures have excellent immune systems.

74. Dolphins are able to absorb antibiotics.

75. These sea creatures are able to sense the Earth’s magnetic field.

76. With high solar activity, dolphins can be washed ashore.

77. The sonar system of dolphins is considered a unique phenomenon.

78. The amazing ability to detect objects at a distance is characteristic of dolphins.

79. In nature, there are albinos – a rare species of dolphins.

80. With the help of a nasal air sac, these sea creatures reproduce sounds.

81. Three categories of sounds reproduce these sea creatures.

82. With the help of breathing under water, dolphins can blow bubbles.

83. Shellfish, squid and fish are part of the usual diet of dolphins.

84. These sea creatures can eat up to 30 kg of food per day.

85. At a distance of up to 20 meters, these sea creatures can recognize other animals.

86. Dolphins are very easy to tame and train.

87. More than 14,000 words make up the vocabulary of these marine animals.

88. Dolphins can communicate using sign language.

89. These marine animals are able to repeat words after a person.

90. Land mammals are the ancestors of dolphins.

91. About 49 million years ago, the ancestors of dolphins moved into the water.

92. Dolphins live on average for more than 50 years.

93. There are four species of river dolphins.

94. There are 32 types of sea creatures.

95. Dolphins were considered sacred animals in Ancient Greece.

96. Dolphins inherit their skills and abilities.

97. These sea creatures cannot smell.

98. Dolphins cannot distinguish certain tastes.

99. Dolphins live with their mother for three years.

100. The pink dolphin is considered a unique species and lives in the Amazon.

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