20 interesting facts about cedars

The amazing cedar tree is not only a source of delicious and healthy nuts, it is also a truly healing plant, whose leaves purify the air and make it beneficial. Cedar forests are really a chic place, walking through them is a pleasure, and it is a pity that these trees do not grow everywhere. But where they grow, local residents actively collect nuts from them, which are very expensive. And why not?

Interesting facts about cedars

  1. These trees can withstand frosts down to -27 degrees without damage.
  2. The cedar is a symbol of the country of Lebanon. It is even featured on its flag. True, unfortunately, due to deforestation, there are almost no trees left in this country.
  3. Scientists have established that cedars first appeared in the region of either the Himalayas or the Mediterranean Sea (interesting facts about the Himalayas).
  4.  An old cedar can reach 50 meters in height.
  5. The popular pine nuts are actually the fruit of the cedar pine cones. But the seeds of a real cedar are inedible.
  6. The diameter of a cedar trunk can reach two meters.
  7. Well-developed cedars produce up to fifty or more kilograms of pure nuts per year, which contain a lot of fat.
  8. In a wooden bowl made of cedar wood, milk does not sour for a very long time.
  9. A moth never starts in a cupboard made of cedar wood.
  10. There are no mosquitoes or ticks under cedars, as these insects do not tolerate volatile substances emitted by the leaves of these trees (interesting facts about trees).
  11. Pine nuts in Siberia are able to make vegetable cream, which is almost three times more nutritious than cow nuts, as pine nuts contain up to 79% fat.
  12. Eating pine nuts, as scientists have found, reduces the risk of tuberculosis.
  13. Already during the existence of ancient civilizations, cedar was considered the best building material. Sarcophagi of the pharaohs were made from cedar wood, temples and palaces were built.
  14. Siberian cedar, growing in Russia, has nothing to do with the genus cedar, to which two species belong: Atlas and Lebanese cedar, growing in Africa, and Himalayan cedar, or deodar. The cedar that grows in Russia belongs to the pine genus (interesting facts about pine trees).
  15. The Celtic Druids called the ritual cup containing cedar resin the “cup of life.”
  16. Unlike other plants, cedar does not obey biological rhythms; it lives on its own. In cloudy weather, he wakes up at about 10 o’clock, that is, his activity increases, and on clear days he gets up at dawn.
  17. Siberian cedar begins to bear fruit at the age of approximately 25 years. New cones grow on it every 5 years.
  18. The lifespan of cedar can reach 500 years or more.
  19. About 19% of cedar resin comes from turpentine.
  20. Cedars emit phytoncides, substances that cleanse the air of microbes.
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