25 interesting facts about seals

These amazing animals, seals, just seem clumsy. Yes, on land they appear to be such lumps, but in the water they are swift, strong and graceful. However, much still depends on the specific species to which the seal belongs – many of them differ very significantly from each other. But what, after all, these marine animals really often allow themselves to relax and unwind, although, of course, their life does not consist of continuous rest.

Interesting facts about seals

  1. The body weight of these mammals range from 40 kg to 2.5 tons, and in length they can reach from 1 to 6 meters.
  2. Seals boast a well-developed sense of smell, they are able to catch the smell at a distance of up to 500 meters.
  3. The seals’ sleep is always sensitive, they wake up several times to inspect the territory.
  4. These animals can sleep both on land and in water.
  5. Seals are believed to have evolved from terrestrial or otter-like ancestors (interesting facts about otters).
  6. Seals are really fat creatures, moreover, they do not need fat not only in order not to freeze: it also allows them to maintain better buoyancy.
  7. When diving under water, the heart of a seal beats 10-15 times per minute, while in ordinary life it does for the same time up to 120 strokes.
  8. Seals do not chew fish, but swallow it whole. In extreme cases, they tear into large pieces.
  9. In total, there are about 33 species of seals. Seals are found in most of the world’s waters, mainly in the Arctic and Antarctica, as well as in some areas of the tropics.
  10. The life expectancy of seals varies by sex. Females live longer than males, averaging 35 years, while males live about 10 years less.
  11. On land, seals move on their front fins, dragging their hind ones, but in the water the situation changes. When diving into the water, seals use their forelimbs as a depth rudder, and row exclusively with their hind flippers.
  12. The sea lion, which also belongs to seals, can stay under water for up to 2 hours, reaching a depth of up to 1.5 kilometers.
  13. A newborn seal is called a seal because of the thick white fur it is covered with.
  14. Instead of ears, these animals have a special auditory meatus, which closes with a special muscle when the animal dives into the water.
  15. Seals have the ability to echolocate, even if it is not as well developed as that of dolphins.
  16. There are seals such as the seal – a monk who lives in the warm Mediterranean. Also, several species of seals, such as the Baikal seal, live in the inland lakes of the continents (interesting facts about the Mediterranean Sea).
  17. The largest known troop of mammals in the world is a population of northern fur seals, which lives on two islands in the subarctic zone of the Pacific Ocean and has about 1.5 million individuals.
  18. Only seals are aggressive towards each other -males in the mating season, but basically these creatures are sympathetic and caring to their relatives.
  19. The life expectancy of seals is no more than 30 years, age is determined by the number of circles at the base of their fangs.
  20. Seals they bring offspring no more than once a year.
  21. Whiskers, or vibrissae, help seals navigate in the water. With their help, animals accurately guess the location of obstacles and successfully bypass them.
  22. The main danger for seals is sharks, polar bears, killer whales and humans (interesting facts about sharks).
  23. Northern seals sometimes more than six months a year they spend in the ocean in search of food.
  24. Thanks to the thick subcutaneous fat layer, seals are able to withstand critical temperatures of the aquatic environment up to -80 degrees.
  25. Female and male seals have almost nothing differ in appearance, as their genitals are hidden in folds of fat.
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