15 interesting facts about Baghdad

Among all the cities in the world, Baghdad stands out for its history. Few can compete with him in matters of antiquity, and this pearl of the east has been home to hundreds of generations of people for many centuries. Unfortunately, the city was badly damaged during the US military intervention, and since then the situation here has remained unsettled, despite the attempts of the authorities to return local life to a peaceful track.

Facts about the city of Baghdad

  1. Baghdad was founded in 762.
  2. Its modern name came into use only in the 11th century. Before that, Baghdad was called «Madinat al-Sallam», which in translation meant «City of Peace». The modern name is translated from Old Persian as «Given by God».
  3. It is usually warm here in winter, but once a record low temperature of -11 degrees was recorded in Baghdad.
  4. The city is often hit by sand and dust storms that originate in deserts (interesting facts about deserts).
  5. There are almost no dangerous fauna in the city and its environs. Only malarial mosquitoes that carry this dangerous disease cause trouble.
  6. The settlements of the ancestors of modern people existed on the territory of Baghdad more than 3800 years ago.
  7. For 12 years, the city captured by the horde of Tamerlane was part of it empires.
  8. Baghdad has always been the center of Middle Eastern culture. So, already in the 13th century, more than 30 libraries functioned here.
  9. Before the invasion of American troops, they began to build an underground metro here, but for obvious reasons, the construction was abandoned. Now they are building a new subway, but already on the ground.
  10. It was Baghdad that became the first city in the history of mankind, the population of which exceeded one million people. Moreover, this happened about a thousand years ago.
  11. Baghdad is a multinational city. About 75% of the population are ethnic Arabs. Approximately 90% are Muslim.
  12. Baghdad has a population of 2,7 million.
  13. Modern Baghdad is on the list of the most dangerous cities in the world, undesirable for tourists to visit. Iraq is still a troubled place (interesting facts about Iraq).
  14. The first pharmacies appeared here more than 1200 years ago, and the quality of their work was controlled by the state.
  15. Very rarely, once every 5- 7 years old, it’s snowing here. True, it usually melts immediately after that.
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