30 interesting facts about cobras

There are many famous snakes in the world, but cobras stand apart among them, mainly due to the fact that they are perhaps the most recognizable reptiles in the world. In fact, there are much more poisonous snakes in the world than cobras, but the habit of these creatures to open the hood in the event of an attack made them very memorable. And does it even matter to a victim of a snake bite how deadly the snake that bit them is, if the venom of any cobra is usually enough to kill any living creature on Earth?

Interesting facts about cobra

  1. In total, scientists identify 16 different types of cobras, and all of them are poisonous.
  2. Cobras are rather phlegmatic creatures, they do not like haste and fuss, but if their territory is encroached on, they will zealously defend it.
  3. The king cobra is the largest venomous snake in the world, reaching a size of 3-4 meters, but there are some recorded specimens over 5 meters in length, weighing up to 10-12 kg (interesting facts about snakes).
  4. Most species of cobras are extremely reluctant to breed in captivity.
  5. Unlike their other poisonous snakes, cobras do not ambush the enemy, but allow themselves to be discovered. They stand upright, open their hood and sway, as if warning that they are not to be trifled with, in order to frighten the enemy and force him to retreat.
  6. King cobras are rarely kept in zoos and terrariums due to aggressiveness.
  7. Distinctive features of the cobra are six shields on the head. True, when meeting with her, there is usually no time to look at them.
  8. Cobra swims well, and the speed of its movement on land is 6 km/h. However, this snake does not usually chase a human.
  9. Cobras are also dangerous because they often settle next to people. Cities attract mice and rats, and those, in turn, attract cobras, who willingly feed on these rodents.
  10. Cobras only breed once a year, laying between 8 and 80 eggs at a time.
  11. The bite of a cobra can kill even an adult elephant (interesting facts about elephants).
  12. The poison of some species of cobras is used in medicine.
  13. The Angolan cobra is the smallest of these snakes. The length of an adult usually does not exceed 1.5 meters.
  14. Despite its poisonousness, the cobra is quite edible, and in a number of Asian countries it is even considered a rare and expensive delicacy.
  15. The Central Asian cobra is the only one that is found where snow falls in winter.
  16. Sometimes these poisonous snakes are found even in the mountains, at an altitude of up to 2.5 km above sea level.
  17. The collared cobra is the only one that does not lay eggs, but gives birth to live cubs, and sometimes up to 50-60 at a time.
  18. The newly hatched cobra cubs are completely independent, and already have poison, however, because of its small amount, they initially hunt the smallest prey, or even insects.
  19. The king cobra is the only snake in the world that, on occasion, willingly feeds on other snakes, including poisonous ones.
  20. In the wild, cobras are found mainly in Southern Africa and Southeast Asia (interesting facts about Africa).
  21. During the hunt, cobras do not swallow the victim alive, as many people think, but first paralyze them with their poison, wait for some time until the prey dies, and only after that they start eating.
  22. King cobras grow throughout their lives, with an average lifespan of 25-30 years.
  23. Despite its name, the king cobra does not belong to true cobras, and forms a separate genus.
  24. At the meeting, the king cobras stand in a combat stance and measure their height. The shorter one admits defeat and crawls away.
  25. Sexual intercourse in cobras can last two to three days.
  26. Three types of cobras do not bite the victims, but spit poison into it, and very accurately. Getting their venom into the eyes, where these snakes usually aim, usually leads to blindness.
  27. Unlike other snakes, the king cobra is able to control the dose of poison. She often bites people without poison at all, so as not to waste it on someone who is not suitable food for her.
  28. African spitting cobras are capable of spraying poison at the enemy up to 30-40 times in a row in a short period of time.
  29. The Philippines is home to the second most venomous cobra, whose venom can kill an adult in half an hour. She is especially dangerous because she does not need to bite – she also belongs to spitting (interesting facts about the Philippines).
  30. Male king cobras have two penises instead of one.
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