19 interesting facts about Fiji

Republic of the Fiji Islands — the place is very interesting. This is a fairly typical country for Oceania, not rich, but not poor either. In recent years, tourism has been actively developing here — snow-white beaches and blue lagoons attract more and more foreigners. True, due to the remoteness of the islands, a ticket here will cost a lot.

Interesting facts about Fiji

  1. Until 2012, the reigning English monarch in Fiji had the status of paramount chief.
  2. Nearly two-thirds of the population of the islands — Fijians, and another third — descendants of immigrants from India. Ethnic conflicts are not uncommon here, and some tension is felt.
  3. The inhabitants of Tonga were afraid of the Fijians several centuries ago, who enjoyed the fame of bloodthirsty cannibals among them (interesting facts about Tonga).
  4. English has official status here along with Fijian, but few people speak it. Although in tourist places, of course, there will be no problems with it.
  5. Of the more than three hundred islands that make up the country, only about a third are inhabited.
  6. The authorities of Fiji often changed the name of the state — as many as five times in the last hundred and fifty years.
  7. The leaders of the Fijian villages have great authority. By the way, Vanuatu has a similar situation (interesting facts about Vanuatu).
  8. Despite the fact that on some islands of the Fiji archipelago there are lakes and rivers, the lack of fresh water is still felt here. During the rains, local residents collect water from the roofs into special tanks.
  9. In total, more than 3,500 different species of insects live on all the Fijian islands.
  10. Come to visit without gifts are not accepted in Fiji.
  11. Tips are not allowed in local cafes and restaurants — staff may take this as an insult.
  12. In Fiji, only chiefs are allowed to wear sunglasses. The same goes for brimmed hats. Fortunately for tourists, this only applies to villages.
  13. The Fiji Islands were under British rule for almost a hundred years, finally gaining independence only in 1970.
  14. Rugby — the most popular sport here. Quite an interesting sight, considering that most Fijian men are distinguished by a large and powerful physique.
  15. Slightly more than three thousand people serve in the Fiji army.
  16. Until the end of the 19th century, Fiji was Cannibalism is widespread.
  17. Almost 9/10 of the country’s population lives on Fiji’s two largest islands. Automobile roads, as well as, in fact, cars, by the way, are also available only on these islands.
  18. Some dishes of national cuisine include bat meat.
  19. The famous navigator James Cook, inflicting Fiji Islands on the map, wrote them down exactly as «Fiji», although they were called «Fisi». But due to Cook’s great authority, no one pointed out his mistake to him, and the new name eventually replaced the old one.
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