19 interesting facts about flying squirrels

Seeing a flying squirrel in its natural habitat is very difficult. These amazing creatures lead a rather secretive lifestyle, besides, they usually sleep during the day, and move almost silently, so enthusiastic explorers have to spend a lot of time to take at least a couple of photos. Cute and funny, flying squirrels are probably liked by everyone who has ever seen them live.

Interesting facts about flying squirrels

  1. They are able to fly, only constantly losing height, and gaining they are unable to do so. On average, for 10 meters horizontally, the animal descends 1-3 meters vertically.
  2. Unlike birds, which change their flight direction with their tails, flying squirrels do this by stretching their membranes, which is regulated by the position of their front legs (interesting facts about birds).
  3. Most species of flying squirrels live in trees, and they land on the ground they almost never descend, but some of them also live on rocks, hiding in crevices during the day.
  4. Flying squirrels are not vegetarians. The basis of their diet is plant foods, but on occasion they eat insects, bird eggs and even chicks.
  5. Depending on its species and habitat, a flying squirrel can cover a distance of 20 to 120 meters in one flight.
  6. Ordinary squirrels, eating nuts, completely extract them from the shell, but for some reason flying squirrels are limited to making a small hole in it, through which they already pull out the inside of the fetus.
  7. Usually they build their own nests, but often empty hollows of woodpeckers are also occupied.
  8. In total, there are 36 species of flying squirrels in the world (interesting facts about forest animals).
  9. The cubs of these animals begin to learn to fly when they are 6-7 weeks old.
  10. In captivity, they can live up to 15 years, but in the wild, their lifespan is three times less. Flying squirrels are unable to defend themselves and are often preyed upon by predators. They are sometimes hunted even by ordinary cats.
  11. After landing, the animal immediately hides, and only then carefully looks around.
  12. Between flying squirrels usually do not conflict with themselves. Moreover, they can even share their shelter with a homeless relative, just out of kindness.
  13. It is almost impossible to see flying squirrels during the day. All of them are nocturnal, and thanks to their huge sensitive eyes they see well in the dark.
  14. Their closest biological relatives are squirrels (interesting facts about squirrels).
  15. During the flight, squirrels – flying squirrels can change direction and turn in the opposite direction.
  16. When landing, they use their legs as shock absorbers to absorb collision energy.
  17. On average, during the warm season, an adult flying squirrel collects up to 15,000 nuts that form the basis of her daily menu.
  18. Like many other rodents, these animals stock up for the winter. At least those species that live in climatic zones where it is winter.
  19. Some species of flying squirrels are found at a considerable height. So, they live even in the Himalayas, at an altitude of up to 4000 meters above sea level.
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