20 interesting facts about forest animals

Forests are teeming with life, even those near major cities. There are a lot of animals there, although, of course, large creatures are found mainly where there are no people. But even in city parks, squirrels jump, birds sing, and moles dig passages underground. Forest animals are amazingly diverse!

Interesting facts about forest animals

  1. Funny creatures like hedgehogs are found only in forests. They do not live outside of them.
  2. Wolves live in almost all large forest areas, and this is true for all continents except Australia and Antarctica.
  3. Raccoons wash food before eating it eat by dipping it in water. For this they received the name «poloskuny».
  4. Another animal that lives only where there are many trees is the lynx. This big cat usually hunts by ambushing a prey in a tree, so it is impossible to meet a lynx in open areas (interesting facts about lynx).
  5. Waiting for a prey, a fox often lies motionless for hours, pretending to be dead. If some unfortunate mouse gets bolder and decides that a dead predator is no longer to be feared, it will very soon regret it.
  6. The bear is the owner of the forest, and he has rather peculiar taste preferences. So, the clubfoot loves to feast on ants. He tears open an anthill and sticks his tongue inside, and when angry ants defending their habitat surround him, he simply swallows them.
  7. If we talk about numbers, then in the forests of the middle lane there are most mice and other small forest animals.
  8. Rainforest-dwelling sloths spend their entire lives in trees, only going down to relieve themselves.
  9. Amazing forest animals like weasels look very cute. But appearances are deceiving, the weasel is a ruthless predator, capable of defeating an adversary far superior in size.
  10. During the rut, moose become so dangerous and unpredictable that even bears prefer to give way to them.
  11. Hedgehogs, on occasion, do not mind eating poisonous viper. The fact is that the poison of these snakes does not affect them.
  12. In wolf packs, «nannies» – young wolves who are entrusted by their elders to look after their offspring while their parents hunt.
  13. For the spring construction of the hut, the beaver begins to store building materials in the fall.
  14. A bear awakened during hibernation is a terrible sight. He is already strong enough, and in this case he also falls into an indescribable rage.
  15. Forest boars love to wallow in the mud. This helps them to clean their skin from parasitic insects.
  16. Martens do not build permanent dwellings, preferring to lead a nomadic lifestyle. They travel through the forests and spend the night in different places each time.
  17. The tongue of a woodpecker is able to extend from the mouth of this bird by 11-12 centimeters. Having made a hole in the bark with its beak, the woodpecker sticks its tongue inside and collects insects with it.
  18. Sharp-faced forest frogs turn bright blue in the breeding season. True, not all are only males. This helps them attract females.
  19. Common forest hares are by no means vegetarians. On occasion, they can easily eat meat, for example, some smaller rodent (interesting facts about hares).
  20. Snakes are one of the most harmless forest animals. They are easily tamed.
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