22 interesting facts about Lesotho

There are many countries in the world that outsiders have not even heard of. How many people can find the Kingdom of Lesotho on the map without clues? But in terms of size, this state is larger than some European countries…. True, not much. This country is very distinctive, and old traditions and customs are still very strong here.

Facts about Lesotho

  1. On all sides, this country is surrounded by the Republic of South Africa, in fact, being an enclave. In much the same way, the Kaliningrad region is surrounded by European countries, but Lesotho is one of only three states surrounded on all sides by the borders of the same neighbor. A similar situation is observed in the Vatican and San Marino (interesting facts about San Marino).
  2. The entire territory of Lesotho lies above the mark of 1.4 kilometers above sea level. This makes this country the coldest in Africa.
  3. Of all African states, only snow falls here in winter.
  4. Until 1966, the country was called «Basutoland».
  5. The population of Lesotho is about 2 million people.
  6. The total length of the entire border of this small African state is only slightly more than 900 kilometers.
  7. The only ski resort on the African mainland is located here.
  8. In rural areas in Lesotho, many people hardly use money, preferring barter – barter.
  9. For about half a century, the teams of this country have been taking part in the Olympic Games, but they have not yet managed to win any medals at the time of 2018.
  10. The largest diamond in the world was found in one of the local mines.
  11. In Lesotho, you can see an interesting waterfall, notable for the fact that it is the only one in all of Africa that freezes in winter.
  12. You shouldn’t take photos without permission in Lesotho – the locals don’t like it, so a shameless tourist can get himself into trouble.
  13. There are very, very few trees. There are no wooden houses for this reason (interesting facts about trees).
  14. The HIV infection rate in this country is one of the highest in the world.
  15. There are two official languages, Sesotho and English, but almost no one speaks the latter.
  16. Lesotho’s only university is located not in the capital, but in the town of Roma not far from it.
  17. The asphalt here is an amazing rarity, found only on some streets of the capital.
  18. The most common transport in Lesotho is the pony. These hardy animals carry both people and cargo.
  19. The population of Maseru, the local capital, has grown 9 times since independence in 1966.
  20. Here is the most dangerous airport in the world, with a short 400-meter runway ending in a cliff. No international company flies here – only local pilots are desperate enough.
  21. The most popular clothing in Lesotho is a woolen blanket. Why not? Both practical and, by local standards, stylish. Quilts are usually handmade.
  22. Local beer is brewed from corn.
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