29 interesting facts about magpies

Magpie birds are known mainly for two interesting features. Firstly, they look like the ubiquitous crows, and secondly, they are greedy for various shiny objects, thanks to which they have long earned a reputation as petty thieves. Indeed, they willingly steal small shiny things, and sometimes they do it extremely boldly and self-confidently, taking the prey right from under the nose of the rightful owner.

Interesting facts about magpies

  1. В In Europe, these birds are found generally everywhere, in all regions, with the exception of a few Mediterranean islands. And so they are on almost all continents.
  2. The tail of the magpie is longer than the body, like many other birds (interesting facts about birds).
  3. Magpies lead a sedentary lifestyle, but those who live in the north still fly to warmer lands for the winter.
  4. On average, magpies live for 12-14 years, but in rare cases they can live for years 25, or even more.
  5. Magpies always equip their nest with an entrance to the south, so that it is at least a little, but warmer.
  6. Despite the glory of frivolous creatures, magpies are actually very smart birds. Their brain occupies about the same percentage of body weight as that of great apes (interesting facts about monkeys).
  7. Outwardly, male and female magpies are almost the same from each other. Males are slightly larger, but not much, by 10 percent, no more.
  8. While on the ground, magpies usually jump, but if they wish, they can also waddle like crows.
  9. The feathers of these birds are cast with metal, and sometimes have a purple hue. However, in the spring, due to molting, they temporarily fade and lose their brightness.
  10. The area of ​​​​the brain that is responsible for the knowledge of the surrounding world in the magpie brain occupies about the same percentage as in the human brain.
  11. These birds are easy to train. So, they can be taught to count and clean their own cage using, for example, a small panicle.
  12. Magpies usually help each other. They also unite in flocks in order to more successfully resist predators.
  13. Most people are very annoyed by magpie calls, sharp and loud, not at all melodic.
  14. Usually, only very domestic animals remember people by their faces, and wild ones by smells and other indirect signs. However, all magpies can remember and recognize human faces.
  15. These birds usually lay their eggs earlier than other birds, sometimes as early as April.
  16. To distract predators, magpie usually builds not one nest, but 5-7. In the end, she will take only one thing, the best.
  17. These birds communicate with each other by voice.
  18. Among all birds, the magpie is the owner of one of the most developed intellects.
  19. Other forest animals, including large predators such as wolves and bears (interesting facts about bears), react to the chirping of a magpie that has found a hunter in the forest.
  20. Magpies willingly destroy the nests of other birds, eating eggs and chicks.
  21. They form more or less permanent pairs, and actively defend their territory from other magpies.
  22. At the age of only one month, magpie chicks are already learning to fly, and soon leave the mother’s nest.
  23. These birds they know how to store food by burying it in the ground. Moreover, they accurately remember their location.
  24. In China, the magpie is considered a symbol of joy and happiness.
  25. Scientists still do not know why these birds are so fond of stealing shiny objects. Most likely, they just like them, because they steal them, but do not use them in any way, but simply leave them in the nest.
  26. The magpie nest is not like a normal one – it is spherical, about the size of a soccer ball. The role of the entrance in it is played by one hole.
  27. These birds are more likely to settle closer to people than at a distance from them, in uninhabited areas.
  28. They choose their partners already in the first year of their life, but offspring with him are born only a year after that.
  29. The wingspan of an adult magpie can reach 0.9 meters.
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