13 interesting facts about Nairobi

Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, is an interesting place. The gigantic metropolis looks quite typical of Africa – dusty streets that no one cleans up, monstrous traffic jams, street vendors at every intersection… All the most interesting things in this, without exaggeration, amazingly beautiful country are located far beyond the city limits. Savannah, national parks, safaris – that’s what tourists come here for, using the capital as a transit point.

Facts about the city of Nairobi

  1. Among all the cities in East Africa, the capital of Kenya ranks first in terms of population. Nairobi has a population of 4.3 million.
  2. The real population of Nairobi exceeds the officially declared one several times, since it is necessary to count all slum dwellers have no opportunity. Desires, probably, too.
  3. Most areas of the city are not safe at night. For a person of European appearance, many areas can be dangerous during the day.
  4. In 1900, due to an outbreak of plague, the entire city had to be completely set on fire in order to overcome the infection. Subsequently, Nairobi was rebuilt.
  5. Here is the largest ice skating rink in Africa.
  6. The tap water here is absolutely not to drink. The locals are already used to it, but for a foreigner the consequences will most likely be very deplorable.
  7. In Kenya, outbreaks of malaria are not uncommon, but in Nairobi this disease is not to be feared. The city lies at an altitude of more than 1.5 km above sea level, and the air temperature here at night drops too low for the survival of malaria mosquitoes (Facts about Kenya).
  8. The most common public transport in Nairobi is minibuses, mainly minibuses. They are called «matatu» and serve as clear evidence that the car can carry 5 times more people than its designers intended. A trip to matatu is an entertainment for the most desperate tourists.
  9. Entering or leaving Nairobi is impossible bypassing military checkpoints. The military guards all the roads leading to the city, and money is often shaken from foreigners under various pretexts. A hundred dollars usually solves all problems.
  10. Smoking is prohibited here almost everywhere.
  11. Located on the outskirts of Nairobi, the Kibera slum is the largest in all of Africa. They are home to more than a million people.
  12. The lowest temperature ever recorded in this city is 12 degrees Celsius.
  13. Since 2001, Nairobi has consistently been on the list of the most dangerous cities world.
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