26 interesting facts about Qatar

Qatar — small but wealthy middle eastern country. Pretty typical picture, right? A modest area, but a rich Arab state, which owes its well-being to huge deposits of oil and natural gas.

Interesting facts about Qatar

  1. For many years, Qatar has consistently been one of the most wealthy countries of the world.
  2. In summer, the temperature in Qatar sometimes rises to +50 degrees.
  3. Most of the territory of Qatar — a barren desert.
  4. There are no permanent rivers on Qatari soil (interesting facts about rivers).
  5. The only country that Qatar borders — Saudi Arabia.
  6. Due to the lack of fresh water in Qatar, it has to be obtained using the desalination of salty sea water.
  7. Along with the UAE and Bahrain, Qatar occupies the top lines in the list of countries in terms of per capita income (interesting facts about Bahrain).
  8. There are no political parties in Qatar — they are strictly prohibited.
  9. For holding any kind of rally or demonstration in Qatar, you can end up in jail.
  10. The country is ruled by an emir, in whose hands absolute power is concentrated.
  11. Citizenship of Qatar is not possible for a foreigner.
  12. All beaches in Qatar — closed, located on the territory of expensive resorts.
  13. It rains in this country only a few times a year.
  14. There is no alcohol in Qatar. Yes, even for tourists. Foreigners working in the country can buy it, but for this you will have to overcome nine circles of bureaucratic hell.
  15. About 40% of the population of the state — Arabs. There are also many Indians, Pakistanis and Iranians. Almost everyone speaks Arabic, and many also speak English.
  16. The export of oil and gas gives Qatar about 70% of all income (interesting facts about oil).
  17. Before the discovery of oil fields, the Qataris were engaged in pearl mining in coastal waters.
  18. All life and all the achievements of civilization are concentrated in Doha, the capital of the country. Outside, there is nothing but desert and villages.
  19. Only one-fifth of all the inhabitants of Qatar — citizens of the country. All other — foreigners working in the country.
  20. To check into a hotel, a Qatari couple will require a marriage certificate.
  21. Drinking water here is more expensive than soda.
  22. A liter of gasoline in Qatar costs a quarter of a dollar.
  23. Public transport is virtually non-existent — everyone moves either in their cars or by taxi.
  24. There is practically no crime in Qatar.
  25. All the products consumed in the country are imported, Qatar itself has no agriculture at all.
  26. In Qatar, it is not customary to shake hands when meeting each other.
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