13 interesting facts about Samoa

Pacific country Samoa — a state very remote from the center of civilization, and therefore little known among 99.5% of the world’s population. The traditional way of life is still largely preserved here, which makes this country truly unique.

Interesting facts about Samoa

  1. The independent state of Samoa is often confused with American Samoa.
  2. Almost the entire population of this country — Christians, and Catholics and Protestants are approximately equal here.
  3. English in Samoa has the status of an official language along with Samoan, but in practice few people speak English here.
  4. Population density in the capital Samoa, the city of Apia 6534.27 people/km².
  5. One of the most popular sports in these parts — rugby.
  6. On the island of Upolu, where the Samoan capital is located, the species of the smallest spiders in the world lives.
  7. Among all the states of the South Pacific, Samoa was the first to gain independence.
  8. Many researchers agree that the traditional Polynesian tattoo, now very popular all over the world, first appeared here, and from Samoa has already spread to other islands.
  9. At the beginning of the 20th century, due to The flu epidemic in Samoa killed almost twenty percent of the population.
  10. The name of the highest government office in Samoa, corresponding to the functionality of the president, is translated from the local language as «paramount chief».
  11. The literacy rate in Samoa is almost 100 percent.
  12. The percentage of people suffering from obesity is very high here, just like in Nauru (interesting facts about Nauru).
  13. More or less urbanized there is only one city in the country — capital. But there are many villages.
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