100 interesting facts about New Zealand

1. New Zealand is considered the first state in which suffrage was introduced.

2. The lands of New Zealand were discovered in 1642.

3. The queen is considered the monarch of New Zealand Elizabeth II.

4. New Zealand has 2 national anthems.

5. 3 Women occupy the highest positions in New Zealand.

6. New Zealand is a state, where the highest quality agricultural products.

7. The smallest dolphin lives off the coast of New Zealand.

8. Women in New Zealand live up to 81 years, and men up to 76.

9. Almost all deaths in New Zealand are related to smoking.

10. New Zealand is one of the safest and most peaceful countries on the globe.

11. Only 5% of the living organisms inhabiting New Zealand are people, and 95% – animals.

12. New Zealand has a huge number of penguins. There are more of them than in any other country in the world.

13. New Zealand is the first country in which a woman was given the right to vote.

14. In the Maori language, New Zealand means “ The Land of the Long White Cloud.”

15. In 2013, New Zealand managed to legalize same-sex marriage.

16. New Zealand is the birthplace of the huge Weta crickets.

17. A third of the territory of New Zealand is occupied by parks.

18. New Zealand is the best country for people to live in it.

19. Rugby is the national sport in New Zealand.

20. There are no nuclear power plants in New Zealand.

21. The Hobbit is depicted on the national currency of this state.

22. The number of vending machines that are located in Japan exceeds the number of people living in New Zealand.

23. The largest bird in the world lived in New Zealand 500 years ago.

24. New Zealand is a key supplier of lamb and dairy products to the world market.

25. The mountain with the most long name is located in New Zealand. The name consists of 85 letters.

26. The shooting of the famous trilogy “The Lord of the Rings” took place in New Zealand.

27. For the first time, a disposable syringe was created in this state.

28. New Zealand is a state that is located almost at the end of the world.

29. 1000 years ago there was not a single mammal in New Zealand.

30. New Zealand has a large number of cars. 2.5 million cars account for 4.3 million people.

31. New Zealand consists of two large islands and many small islands.

32. The population of New Zealand speaks English.

33. The inhabitants of New Zealand are quite literate people, their literacy rate is approximately 99%.

34. In New Zealand, female representatives dress beautifully and put on makeup only when they get out in public.

35. Gender equality is maintained in this country.

36. On the streets of New Zealand you can find garbage: most often these are fast food packages.

37. It is very expensive to be a smoker in New Zealand.

38. Australia and New Zealand have the same relationship as between the United States and Canada.

39. New Zealand is not Australia, the distance between these states is approximately 2000 km.

40. There are no homeless animals and orphanages in this state.

41. In any weather in New Zealand should use sunscreen because they are fighting cancer.

42. Thursdays in a New Zealand bar you can meet about the same number of people as on Saturdays.

43. In New Zealand it is forbidden to kindle a fire.

44. In this country, they do not stay at work.

45. Horses that graze in the pastures of New Zealand are dressed in a special coat.

46. The most aggressive animal in this country is the feral boar.

47. There are no mosquitoes in New Zealand.

48. Corruption is completely absent in New Zealand.

49. It is useless to give a bribe to a policeman in this country.

50. New Zealand is considered a state of small business.

51. People living in New Zealand are in no hurry and constantly planning their affairs.

52. New Zealand has poor mobile communications and the Internet.

53. New Zealanders’ favorite food is battered fish and chips.

54. New Zealanders love coffee and prepare it in a specific way.

55. At every intersection in New Zealand, the name of the street is indicated.

56. If you contact the New Zealand clinic, then in any case they will attribute panadol or cough drops and let you go home.

57. Over the entire period of the Olympic Games, New Zealand has been able to win more medals than any other country.

58. New Zealand children of farmers have a specific entertainment: they compete to see who can throw the possum further.

59. New Zealanders walk the streets barefoot, because this country is famous for its cleanliness.

60. Level unemployment in this state reaches 6-7%.

61. Women living in New Zealand are beautiful.

62. There are about 10,000 people in New Zealand who speak Russian.

63. New Zealanders have a normal attitude to travel.

64. New Zealand doesn’t like Putin very much.

65. New Zealand is a feminist state.

66. On average, New Zealand women tie the knot and give birth to children at 28-30 years old.

67. New Zealanders think that their wine is the most beautiful thing in the world.

68. Bruce McLaren, the famous race car driver, was born in New Zealand.

69. New Zealand is the third country in terms of the number of cancer cases.

70. New Zealand has 1.5 times more prisoners than Australia.

71. In New Zealand, it is forbidden to leave children under the age of 14 alone at home.

72. Prisons in this state can resemble a pioneer camp.

73. On the streets of New Zealand there are drinking bowls with water that you can use for free.

74. Traffic lights on the streets of New Zealand are distinguished by the presence of a button for the blind with vibration for the deaf.

75. At first, prostitution was discriminated against in New Zealand, and soon after that legalized.

76. New Zealand is one of the best countries on Earth.

77. There are about 800 islands adjacent to New Zealand.

78. Many people in New Zealand follow a healthy lifestyle. Hardening is the main thing there, which allows you to maintain health.

79. New Zealanders are a very clean nation.

80. Children in New Zealand start school at the age of 5.

81. In New Zealand, there is only one species of insectivorous animal imported from European countries.

82. It is unrealistic to meet a snake in this state, because they are not there.

83. A zoo was built in New Zealand, where animals live in conditions close to nature.

84. Kiwi symbolizes New Zealand.

85. Kiwi fruit in New Zealand is called the Chinese gooseberry, because it was brought there from China.

86. Due to geological and geographical conditions, New Zealand has a huge the number of lakes and rivers.

87. The discoverers of this state are Polynesian immigrants.

88. There is no drug addiction as such in New Zealand.

89. New Zealand is part of the Pacific Ring of Fire.

90. A dolphin named Jack Pelorus in New Zealand regularly met ships and saw them off through the fairways.

91. In New Zealand, overweight people will not be able to obtain a residence permit.

92. In this country, they tried to teach 3 dogs to drive a car.

93. In New Zealand, sign language is considered one of the 3 official languages.

94. Crime in New Zealand is much lower than in Australia.

95. This state has the carnivorous insect is a huge albino snail.

96. The basketball team that plays for New Zealand is called the Tall Blacks.

97. In New Zealand, when exiting public transport, it is customary to thank the drivers.

98. New Zealand is a country with left-hand traffic.

99. The lunar month in New Zealand is very similar to a tilted cup. Almost all residents of the country observe this phenomenon.

100. Winter in New Zealand is from July to August.

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