100 interesting facts about ancient Rome

Interesting facts about Ancient Rome will interest people who like unusual and fascinating information. This state hides many secrets in itself. Legends about him are both true and fictional. Historical facts about Ancient Rome are not only what they tell in school. Many of them are unknown to anyone.

1. The history of modern Rome lasts for about 3000 years.

2. In 625 BC, the first settlements appeared in Rome.

3. In the 5th millennium BC, the first mention of Rome appeared.

4. On its territory, Rome has another sovereign state – the Vatican.

5. It was customary in ancient Rome to hang phallic symbols on the front doors.

6. Ancient Roman doctors had a wide variety of medical instruments.

7. The first shopping center was built by the Roman Emperor Trajan.

8. The snake in Rome is a symbol of love and prosperity.

9. The unique Roman clothing is the toga.

10. Roman doctors recommended drinking the blood of fallen gladiators to treat infertility.

11. When a Roman emperor died, an eagle was released into the wild.

12. About 5,000 animals were killed in the arena on the opening day of the Colosseum.

13. 17 years after the invasion of Hannibal, the Romans were able to free themselves.

14. The virgins who maintained the sacred fire of Vesta were women.

15. Throughout their empire, the Romans built about 54,000 kilometers of roads until the fourth century AD.

16. Abortions and the use of contraception were common in the Roman Empire.

17. The month of August was named after the Roman Emperor Augustus.

18. It took more than 12 years to build the Colosseum.

19. It takes only 3 minutes for all the spectators to leave the Colosseum.

20. There was a smell of incense in ancient Roman temples.

21. Long names in Rome consisted of three parts.

22. On average, the ancient Romans weighed about 50 kilograms.

23. The average age of life of the Romans did not exceed 41 years.

24. For a month, on average, up to 100 gladiators died at the Colosseum.

25. There were about 114 public toilets in Ancient Rome.

26. Doctors had their hands cut off if a patient died during an operation.

27. For disobedience in Rome, a brother could punish his sister by having sex with her.

28. Only the Roman emperor Claudius did not have love affairs with men.

29. Only wealthy Romans lived in mansions.

30. The curly-haired boy was used as table napkins in ancient Rome.

31. In Rome, some women drank turpentine.

32. It was from the Roman Empire that the tradition of the wedding kiss came to us.

33. Prostitution in Ancient Rome was a legal profession.

34. To pay for the services of prostitutes in Rome, there were special coins.

35. In honor of the god Saturn, an annual festival was held in Rome.

36. The title “Coins” was borne by the Roman goddess “Juno”.

37. In Rome, there was a coin depicting sexual intercourse.

38. Ancient Rome is considered one of the largest states of antiquity.

39. Bloody spectacles were loved by the inhabitants of Ancient Rome.

40. Once in Rome, war was declared against the god Neptune.

41. The famous Roman general – Gaius Julius Caesar.

42. Warriors from the Roman troops lived in tents of 10 people.

43. More than 40% of the total population were Roman slaves.

44. The Colosseum could accommodate more than 200,000 spectators.

45. Toilets were first created in ancient Rome.

46. ​​A quarter of a million spectators could accommodate the Roman hippodrome.

47. In ancient Rome, lead was used to resolve disputes.

48. In 64 there was a great fire in Rome.

49. The phrase “money does not smell” came from Ancient Rome.

50. Flamingo tongue was considered a delicacy at Roman feasts.

51. Verminus is a god who protected cows from worms.

52. In ancient Rome, girls who were under the age of majority obeyed their father.

53. Most of the Roman emperors were bisexual.

54. Caesar had a passive relationship with Nicomedes.

55. A washcloth on a stick was used as toilet paper.

56. Slaves were almost never used as guards in Rome.

57. They wiped their hands on the hair of boys in Ancient Rome.

58. In ancient Rome, agreements were sealed with a kiss.

59. The guardian gods in Rome were the Penates.

60. Messalina is a Roman prostitute.

61. Roman prostitutes used heels.

62. Tokens were used to pay for the services of Roman prostitutes.

63. Same-sex relationships were common in ancient Rome.

64. Frank frescoes of an erotic nature were painted on the walls of many Roman houses.

65. The favorite dish of the Romans was asparagus.

66. In ancient Rome, only boys were required to attend school.

67. Honey could pay taxes in ancient Rome.

68. The Romans invented concrete.

69. Special platforms were created in ancient Rome to discuss religion and politics.

70. Milk was used as a cosmetic product in Rome.

71. Salt was given in ancient Rome as a sign of friendship.

72. The Roman emperor Nero married one of the slaves.

73. The hooked nose was considered in Rome to be a great mental potential.

74. Elephant droppings in Ancient Rome were used as a contraceptive.

75. The blood of the defeated warrior was collected and used for medicinal purposes.

76. In ancient Rome, they ate any dishes exclusively with their hands.

77. In ancient Rome, a man who took an oath put his hand to the scrotum as a sign of an oath.

78. Gladiator fights came to Ancient Rome from Greece.

79. Ancient Rome was founded by shepherds.

80. Rome reached its largest territories during the reign of Emperor Trajan.

81. In ancient Rome, noble deer could be harnessed to the chariot.

82. Eating woodpecker meat was considered a sin in Ancient Rome.

83. Reclining spruce in ancient Rome.

84. More than 6,500,000 kilometers was the area of ​​Rome in 117.

85. It was impossible to gouge out eyes during gladiator fights.

86. Roman women were not allowed to go outside with their heads uncovered.

87. The Romans always left their house only with their right foot.

88. Removable heads were a statue in Ancient Rome.

89. “Flavian Amphitheatre” is the ancient name of the Roman Colosseum.

90. The Colosseum was built in 80 BC.

91. More than 44 meters was the total height of the Roman Colosseum.

92. There were 76 exits in the Roman Colosseum.

93. Seats in the Roman Colosseum were distributed according to the social status of the audience.

94. Underground chambers were located under the floor of the Roman Colosseum.

95. The Roman Colosseum is depicted on the five-cent euro coin.

96. Courtesans were the pinnacle of wealth for paid love in Ancient Rome.

97. Girls in ancient Rome studied at home.

98. Most of the houses in ancient Rome were built of concrete.

99. The Roman emperor Caesar began to go bald early.

100. There were no eating utensils in Ancient Rome.

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