100 interesting facts about bears

Many people have known interesting facts about bears since their school years. But there are still classified facts from the life of these animals. Interesting facts about bears – this is what will interest both the kids and their parents. Bears differ from other animals in their way of life, appearance, and food preferences. Facts about bears can be learned not only from fairy tales and films, but also from the observations of scientists.

1. Bears appeared about 5-6 million years ago. This is a fairly young species of animal.

2. The closest relatives of bears are foxes, dogs, wolves.

3. The largest species is the polar bear. Their weight reaches 500 kilograms.

4. Bears are called clubfoot because they rely either on 2 left paws or on 2 right paws. At the moment of their walking, it seems that they are waddling over.

5. Bears have 2 layers of wool.

6. Panda has 6 toes.

7. Bears have excellent reactions, even though they are rather slow animals.

8. Of all the bear species, only the panda and the polar bear do not hibernate in winter. This is evidenced by interesting facts about the polar bear.

9. Bears that live in the forest are able to climb trees.

10. All varieties of bears are omnivorous, only the polar bear eats purely meat.

11. If you read interesting facts from the life of polar bears, it becomes clear that the polar bear has black skin.

12. Polar bears are good swimmers. Interesting facts testify to this.

13. The sight of bears is as good as that of humans, and their sense of smell and hearing are much better developed.

14. Bears are able to walk on hind legs.

15. Bear milk has 4 times more energy value than cow milk.

16. Bears live in the wild for about 30 years, and in the zoo – about 50 years.

17. The most the sun bear has long claws and a long tongue.

18. Approximately 40 beats per minute, the pulse of an ordinary bear.

19. The most common type of bear is considered brown.

20. Bears have color vision.

21. The polar bear can jump up to 2.5 meters in height.

22. The polar bear can swim a hundred-kilometer swim without a break.

23. Cubs are born without fur.

24. There are approximately 1.5 thousand pandas in the world.

25. Some bears suffer from alcoholism.

26. The sloth bear has the longest fur.

27. Bears are considered not only strong, but also smart animals.

28. Koala is not a type of bear. This is a marsupial.

29. Bears are able to distinguish colors.

30. Approximately 68 kilograms of meat can fit in the stomach of a polar bear.

31. Approximately 98% All grizzlies live in Alaska.

32. Spectacled bears live in South America.

33. The claws on the front paws of a bear are longer than on the hind ones.

34. A newborn bear cub weighs about 500 grams.

35. For medicinal purposes, the organs of bears are used by residents of some Asian countries.

36. Only in special exceptions do they eat bear meat. Basically, no one eats bear meat.

37. North America is considered the “bear continent”. A third of all bears live there.

38. A bear is able to neutralize hunting traps.

39. Bears like to destroy bee hives.

40. A bear’s hibernation can last six months. During this time period, this animal is able to lose half its own weight.

41. An adult panda can eat up to 20 kilograms of bamboo at a time.

42. While walking, the bear leans on fingers.

43. Bears do not defecate during hibernation.

44. Bears have crooked paws.

45. Malay bears are the smallest species of this animal.

46. Today there are 8 species of bears on the globe.

47. Brown bears remember all berry and mushroom places very well.

48. The polar bear is considered a carnivore.

49. The liver of the polar bear has a high content of vitamin A. And if a person eats it, he can die.

50. A year before planning to have offspring, a female bear looks closely at her partner.

51. Brown bears are listed in the Red Book.

52. Bear farms were created in the states of East Asia.

53. Once upon a time, in the times of of Kyivan Rus, the bear was a sacred animal, the Slavs worshiped it.

54. Bears rarely attack people, considering them an unusual animal with unusual mannerisms and gestures.

55. The polar bear is the youngest species.

56. The male bear is most often 2 times larger than the female.

57. Bear is immune to bee stings.

58. With the exception of the mating period and “mating games”, bears are used to leading a solitary way of life.

59. Pairs of bears are not long-lived, and only the female takes care of the offspring.

60. Significantly the number of bears decreased in the 20th century.

61. Grizzly bears run as fast as horses.

62. Most often, 2 cubs are born to a female panda.

63. The bear is considered a symbol of Berlin.

64. Even in ancient times, bears were depicted on coins. Approximately this happened in 150 BC.

65. In 1907, the first book about the bear was written. It was written by Ellis Scott.

66. The first animated film about a bear was filmed in 1909.

67. Since 1994, an exhibition of Teddy bears has been held annually in Munster.

68. The bear never attacks while standing.

69. Bears in the Middle Ages were a symbol of the sinful nature of man.

70. In the United States of America, it is forbidden to take pictures with a bear wake up.

71. The bear was mentioned more than once in the Bible together with the lion – “the king of beasts”.

72. The level of metabolism during hibernation in bears drops to 25%.

73. The heartbeat of a bear slows down during hibernation.

74. About 12,000 years ago, the largest bear on the planet died out Earth.

75. The most slender physique has a Himalayan bear.

76. Grizzlies can swallow about 40 thousand moths a day.

77. A bear with one paw strike -grizzly is capable of killing a person to death.

78. Polar bears are the largest land predators.

79. The Asian black bear has the largest ears.

80. From 21,000 to 28,000 bears live in the Arctic.

81. Wrasse bears are most fond of eating termites.

82. Cubs are born deaf, blind and practically naked.

83. Bears have a better maternal instinct than other animals.

84. Brown bears mate either in spring or summer.

85. At the age of 4, young female bears reach puberty.

86. Polar bears are hunted for meat, fur and fat.

87. Bears show themselves as caring mothers.

88. A bear is able to give birth not every year, but every 2- 3 years old.

89. The cubs have been living with their mother for 3 years.

90. The polar bear’s hair is transparent.

91. The polar bear’s tongue has pigmented spots.

92. Researchers have proven that bears are similar to monkeys in their intellectual abilities.

93. Polar bears can undergo outbursts of anger.

94. Male bears sometimes attack their cubs and kill them.

95. The bear is a restless and aggressive animal, and therefore it is not suitable for domestication.

96. Bears are one of the most endangered species on Earth.

97. In terms of psychological characteristics, bears are similar to humans.

98. When killing a seal, a bear first of all eats its skin.

99. Older cubs help the female to look after the younger ones.

100. There are no bears on three continents of the Earth. These are Africa, Australia and Antarctica.

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