159 interesting facts about animals

Interesting facts about animals for children tell about what we could not even suspect. Fish, birds, animals, insects – these are the representatives of the living world that make us wonder. The animal kingdom has always been a mystery to people, but now interesting facts from the life of animals allow these secrets to be told.

1. Mammals are called so because they feed their young with milk.

2. The international name for mammals is Mammalia.

3. About 5500 species of mammals are known.

4. There are no mammals in the deep ocean.

5. Many mammals are attached to a certain habitat and adapted to a certain temperature, humidity and food.

6. Mammals tend to live birth.

7. They have a well-developed nervous system.

8. The skin of mammals is thick, with well-developed skin glands and horn formations: hooves, claws, scales.

9. Hair and wool help insulate and protect against harmful factors, including parasites.

10. Animals are eukaryotes, that is, their cells have nuclei.

11. Animals are divided into herbivores, carnivores, omnivores and parasites.

12. Some domestic animals are no longer found in the wild, cows, for example.

13. India is home to 50 million monkeys.

14. For 1 sq. km of the steppe zone is home to more living creatures than all people on Earth.

15. The Border Collie tops the list of the most intelligent dogs.

16. Most of the animals on Earth are invertebrates – about 95%.

17. The number of known and studied fish is 24.5 thousand, reptiles – 8 thousand, and amphibians – 5 thousand

18. There are 2,500 species of snakes on Earth.

19. Even in beds there are living organisms – these are dust mites.

20. Mammals have red blood, and insects have yellow blood.

21. There are about 750,000 known insect species, and 350,000 spiders.

22. Insects breathe with their whole body.

23. Every year, scientists discover new species of animals.

24. There are about 450 species of snakes on the planet that are considered poisonous to humans.

25. There are 1,200 Indian rhinos left in the world.

26. The eyes of animals glow in the dark due to the presence of a special layer behind the retina that reflects light.

27. More than 50% of domestic cats and dogs are overweight, possibly due to malnutrition and the use of prepared foods.

28. The spine of mammals is divided into 5 sections, the cervical section has 7 vertebrae.

29. Scientists have found that the cat’s memory for the presence of some obstacle is 10 minutes – if you distract the pet, then he forgets that the obstacle had to be overcome.

30. Snails can grow a lost or bitten eye.

31. Scientists considered the bivalve mollusk to be the oldest animal, it was determined by the rings on the shell that it is 507 years old.

32. The noisiest animal in the world is the blue whale, its singing can deafen a person.

33. The size of a termite mound can reach 6 meters and it takes up to a hundred years to build.

34. Trichogramma – the smallest insects, are parasitic on other insects and are specially bred in agriculture to destroy pests.

35. Pregnancy of a rat – 3 weeks, estrus occurs for 2-3 days, up to 20 cubs in a litter. At two months, a little rat is able to bring new offspring.

36. There are birds that can fly backwards – these are hummingbirds.

37. Snakes cannot blink, their eyes are protected by fused eyelids.

38. Dolphins, like humans, have sex for pleasure.

39. The number of people who died from bees is much greater than from snake bites.

40. An ostrich egg is boiled for 1 hour.

41. An elephant has four knees.

42. Animals that cannot jump are elephants.

43. Pets can foresee some events, especially unpleasant ones.

44. When the cat’s pupil is constricted, the brain does not participate in the process.

45. The most eared animal is the Mongolian jerboa, the size of its ears is more than half the body.

46. Elephants receive a warning of danger with the help of their legs.

47. The legs of the swifts are not designed to move, falling to the ground, they can only crawl a short distance.

48. Fossa – an animal from the island of Madagascar, similar to a mixture of puma and civet.

49. The only surviving representative of the gharial, the Gangetic gharial, belongs to the crocodile family.

50. The stony harlequin toad lacks hearing and voice – they communicate by emitting and receiving sound waves of a certain frequency in the form of clicking sounds.

51. Monkeys can send messages with gestures.

52. There are dogs that do not bark – these are basenjis.

53. The Chow Chow dog has a purple tongue.

54. The African elephant is considered the largest mammal. The weight of a male can reach 7 tons, and the size is up to 4 meters.

55. The tallest mammal on the planet is the giraffe.

56. The smallest mammal is the bat. In Thailand, there is Craseonycteris thonglongyai weighing up to 2 g.

57. The blue whale is the longest mammal.

58. A “Cat Cafe” was opened in New York, where visitors can communicate with our smaller brothers.

59. There is a beach in Japan that owners visit with their dogs.

60. Dogs and cats lean on the toes, not on the foot.

61. Scientists conduct social experiments on rats by analogy with human society.

62. The smallest bear is the Malayan, and it is one of the most aggressive bears.

63. The pitacho bird has poisonous glands.

64. Crocodiles appeared 250 million years ago.

65. Hares are found almost everywhere except Antarctica and Australia.

66. If you cross a zebra with a domestic horse, you get a hybrid called a zebroid.

67. The tsetse fly does not attack the zebra, it simply does not see it because of the combination of black and white stripes.

68. The weight of a polar bear can reach a ton, and the length is up to 3 meters.

69. Bears are divided into four types: white, black, white-breasted, brown.

70. The heart of a giraffe weighs 12 kg, and the animal has very thick blood.

71. Cockroaches are able to withstand high doses of radiation and survive a nuclear explosion.

72. Bees transmit information to each other with dancing movements and perfectly orient themselves in space.

73. Locusts are able to maintain a constant speed in flight due to the ability to rotate their wings and control the number of strokes, and fly 80 km a day.

74. An orangutan feeds its cub for 4 years.

75. The largest rodent is the capybara.

76. The kakapo bird cannot fly; for movement, it plans in the air and climbs trees. This amazing animal feeds on the juice of berries and plants.

77. The tail of a kangaroo is needed to maintain balance when jumping.

78. Each tiger has a unique arrangement of stripes that can be compared to fingerprints.

79. Koalas feed exclusively on eucalyptus leaves.

80. Crows love to play and have fun, including with other animals.

81. Crocodiles swallow stones to keep their balance on the water, and it was easier for them to dive.

82. The fat content of whale milk is 50%, it is the fattest milk on the planet.

83. Pudu is the smallest deer, its size reaches 90 cm in length.

84. The Japanese hairy-headed dog is not a dog at all, but a fish that lives near the Korean Peninsula and the coast of Japan.

85. A guinea pig is not a pig or a waterfowl at all, its name comes from the word “overseas”, it is a rodent. At home, it is eaten.

86. Studies by US scientists have led to the conclusion that cats are a threat to wildlife and reproduce at an incredible rate. They inflict special damage in the area where they did not historically exist before.

87. Near the anus of beavers, the substance castoreum is mined, which is used as an additive to perfumes and as a food additive.

88. Sexual maturity of female ermine occurs by 3 months, and males only by 11-14 months, due to which a young female often mates with adult males while still in the hole.

89. The Etruscan shrew weighs 2 grams and its heart beats at a rate of 1500 beats per minute.

90. An earth rat has lost its molars and has weak incisors; it feeds on earthworms.

91. Birds can safely eat hot peppers and not react to its spiciness.

92. In China, the water deer lives, it has no antlers, but has fangs.

93. Adult domestic cats use meowing to attract people, not to communicate with each other. Wild representatives do not meow at all.

94. To protect against enemies, the opossum pretends to be dead, falls to the ground and emits a stench.

95. The red pigment secreted by hippos protects them from the action of sunlight and parasites.

96. Contrary to popular belief, the bull does not attack the color red, but a moving object. Bulls do not distinguish colors.

97. The number of cheetahs is also declining due to the fact that their genes are very similar to each other, and there is little diversity.

98. Pandas disappear due to the imperfection of their reproduction. Females are ready to mate once a year for 3 days, the successful period for fertilization is from 12 to 24 hours.

99. The largest leeches live in South America, their size reaches 45 cm, and they are able to attack animals.

20 interesting facts about animals in winter

1. Polar bears are the largest predators of the planet.

2. Hamsters hibernate alone.

3. Before the onset of winter, wolves gather packs.

4. The body temperature of a hedgehog during hibernation drops by 2 degrees.

5. Hedgehogs lose almost half their weight in winter.

6. Before hibernating, the bear rids its intestines of the remnants of food.

7. Weasel and ermine turn white in winter.

8. The number of crows in a flock in winter from 200 to 300.

9. The biological clock of a beaver in winter shifts by 5 hours, and therefore winter is longer for them.

10. An ermine walks about 3 kilometers in winter per day to find food for themselves.

11. Polar bears run at a speed of 40 km/h.

12. The bear’s metabolic processes slow down during hibernation.

13. During hibernation, the bear’s hair and claws do not stop growing.

14. When everything is covered with snow in winter, deer begins to rake it with their hooves.

15. In winter, arctic foxes follow bears, picking up food for them.

16. Walruses have a large fat layer under their skin, which can protect them from the cold.

17. Beavers become “homebodies” when winter sets in.

18. Polar bears are not cold even at -60 degrees.

19. Some fish living in the waters of Antarctica have a blood temperature that reaches 1.5 degrees.

20. Leopard seals swim to the coast of Australia during the winter.

10 interesting facts about the breathing of animals

1. Dolphins, like humans, have lungs, not gills.

2. Whales can hold their breath for 2 hours.

3. Fish constantly swallow water while breathing.

4. A horse makes about 8-16 respiratory movements per minute.

5. Animals consume oxygen while breathing, and emit carbon dioxide.

6. Land turtles hold their breath for a long time.

7. Iguanas hold their breath for up to 30 minutes.

8. Dolphins climb to the surface to breathe.

9. Beavers hold their breath underwater for 45 minutes.

10. Thanks to holding their breath, frilled birds conquer water bodies.

30 interesting facts about animals for children

1. A pink dolphin lives in the Amazon.

2. A tarantula may not eat near 2 years.

3. Mosquitoes love baby blood the most.

4. Sharks never get sick.

5. Goldfish only have a 5-second memory.

6. About 50 times a day, lions are able to mate.

7. Aphids are born already pregnant.

8. The snail’s genitals are located on the head.

9. Only female kangaroos have a pouch.

10. One of the few representatives of the animal world who are born with teeth are hamsters.

11. Storks can sleep during the flight.

12. Hippos have pink milk to feed their young.

13. Rats appeared much earlier than humans.

14. The only animal that the Bible did not mention is the cat.

15. A starfish can turn its own stomach inside out.

16. A dolphin sleeps with one eye open.

17. An elephant has the largest brain.

18. Ants never sleep.

19. Bugs can live for a year without food.

20. Bees kill more people in a year than snakes.

21. Blue whales are the loudest animals.

22. Cats can pronounce about 100 different sounds.

23. During ancient Egypt, medicines were made from mice.

24. Otters feed on sea urchins.

25. Elephants bear cubs for 2 years.

26. Moles have burrows, numbering about 6 floors.

27. The largest blue scorpion.

28. Hummingbird eats 2 times more food than its weight.

29. Crocodile to sink to the bottom, swallows stones.

30. Tigers like to swim.

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