50 interesting facts about Kangaroo

The most famous symbol of Australia is the kangaroo. Interesting facts about him are striking in their singularity. Europeans first saw this animal, and it was initially assumed that it had 2 heads. These are not all interesting facts about kangaroos. You can still tell a lot of secret about this animal. Interesting facts about kangaroos include research results, statistics, and physiological characteristics of the animal.

1. Interesting facts from the life of a kangaroo confirm the fact that today there are more than 60 varieties of this animal.

2. Kangaroo is able to stand on its tail, delivering strong blows with its hind legs.

3. Kangaroo cubs leave the bag at 10 months of age.

4. Kangaroos have sharp eyesight and hearing.

5. Kangaroo is capable of reaching a maximum speed of 56 km/h.

6. About 9 meters in height, kangaroos can jump.

7. Each species Kangaroo cubs are born only in a bag.

8. Kangaroos can only jump forward.

9. Only when the heat subsides, kangaroos go to look for food.

10. Approximately 50 million kangaroos live in Australia.

11. The longest kangaroos are gray. They can be up to 3 meters long.

12. Pregnancy in a female kangaroo lasts from 27 to 40 days.

13. Some females can be permanently pregnant.

14. Kangaroos live from 8 to 16 years.

15. The number of kangaroos in Australia is 3 times the population of this continent.

16. Kangaroos begin to kick the ground when feel the danger.

17. Kangaroos were given the name by the Australian Aborigines.

18. Only the female kangaroo has a bag.

19. Kangaroo ears can turn 360 degrees.

20. The kangaroo is a social animal. They are used to living in a group of 10 to 100 individuals.

21. Male kangaroos are able to have sex 5 times a day.

22. A kangaroo embryo is born, having a size slightly larger than a worm.

23. In the kangaroo’s bag there is milk of different fat content.

24. For several months, kangaroos are able to do without liquid. They drink little.

25. In 1980, kangaroo meat was allowed to be eaten in Australia.

26. A kangaroo can hit so hard that it will kill an adult.

27. Baby kangaroos pee and poop inside mom’s bags. The female, on the other hand, has to clean it regularly.

28. Tree kangaroos are not able to sweat.

29. A few days after the birth of the baby, female kangaroos can mate again.

30. Female kangaroos are able to determine the sex of the future cub.

31. Female kangaroos have 3 vaginas. Two of them conduct seminal fluid into the uterus, of which there are also 2.

32. Female kangaroos prefer those males who have pumped up muscles.

33. Kangaroo is considered the largest mammal, which moves by jumping.

34. Only 2% of fat is in the body of kangaroos, therefore, thanks to the consumption of their meat, people are struggling with obesity.

35. In Australia, there is a movement protecting a kangaroo.

36. The greater the speed of a kangaroo, the less strength this animal spends.

37. The smallest representatives of the kangaroo genus is the wallaby.

38. In English, male, female and baby kangaroos have different names.

39. Kangaroo cubs do not have fur.

40. The weight of an adult kangaroo reaches about 80 kilograms.

41. The self-preservation instinct is especially developed in kangaroos.

42. Kangaroos can swim.

43. Kangaroos are not capable of letting gases. Their body is not able to survive the metabolism.

44. Sand flies are the most terrible enemies of kangaroos. Kangaroos often go blind after their attack.

45. This animal will jump over a three-meter fence without difficulty.

46. Kangaroos are not afraid of people and are not dangerous for them.

47. The most famous species of this animal is the red kangaroo.

48. The tail of a kangaroo has a length of 30 to 110 centimeters.

49. The tail of a kangaroo is often called the fifth paw, because thanks to it the animal maintains balance.

50. With the help of long short fingers, the kangaroo makes a “hairstyle” for itself, combing its hair with them.

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