30 interesting facts about Jordan

Among all the Middle Eastern states, Jordan boasts the largest number of interesting cultural and historical heritage along with Israel. Despite the rather arid climate, under the rule of the king, Jordan is quite prosperous, and it can be safely attributed to prosperous countries. There is something to see here for both lovers of antiquity and those who like clean beaches and blue sea.

Facts about Jordan

  1. The ruins of the ancient city of Petra, which is about 3800 years old and located on Jordanian soil, are included in the list of modern wonders of the world. About half a million tourists visit them annually.
  2. Once the Jordanian royal family invited Ukrainian designers to show fashion as part of the Ukrainian Fashion Show.
  3. In different eras, modern Jordanian lands changed hands many times. They were ruled by the ancient Greeks, and the Romans, and various Arab caliphates, and the Ottoman Empire (interesting facts about the Ottoman Empire).
  4. Until the middle of the 20th century, the country was called not Jordan, but Transjordan.
  5. Officially, until 1946, Jordan was under British control.
  6. Less than 1% of this country is covered with forests, and only about 0.01% is on the water surface.
  7. The border between Jordan and neighboring Israel runs along the Jordan River, which gave the name to this state. She is mentioned in the Bible.
  8. This country remains one of the few where to this day polygamy is officially allowed.
  9. Approximately 90% of all Jordan is occupied by hot and arid deserts and semi-deserts, poor in water and vegetation (interesting facts about deserts).
  10. Jordanian families usually have many children, at least 5-6, and sometimes 10-12.
  11. Despite the almost complete absence of trees and green spaces, the air in Jordan is about 8% more richer in oxygen than in any other country in the world.
  12. Snowfall in this country is the official reason not to go to work. True, snow here is very rare, once or twice a decade.
  13. Jordan has a population of 10 million.
  14. There are more olive trees in this country, than residents, 4 times.
  15. The black iris flower is the national plant of Jordan.
  16. King Abdullah II of Jordan is a man of many talents. He is an experienced skydiver, rally driver, diver and qualified pilot. When his father was on the throne, Abdullah II served for a long time in the Jordanian special forces, turning this army structure into one of the most professional in the world.
  17. Jordan has access only to the Red Sea. Also to the Dead, but the latter, strictly speaking, is a salt lake, not a sea (interesting facts about the Red Sea).
  18. Jordanian Queen Rania is officially recognized as the most beautiful queen on the planet. She is originally from Kuwait and met her future husband while working in a bank. Shortly after their first meeting, Abdullah II proposed to her.
  19. The Gulf of Aqaba, partly owned by Jordan, attracts a huge number of divers because it is home to about 230 different types of corals.
  20. One of the most interesting Jordanian sights is Quseir Amra Castle built in the 8th century. It has partially collapsed under the influence of time and natural forces, but even those parts of it that have survived can delight any history buff.
  21. About half of Jordanians have Palestinian roots.
  22. In Jordan, archaeologists have discovered the ruins of the world’s oldest Christian temple, which is about 1700 years old. They are located in Aqaba.
  23. The limestone figurines found in Jordanian lands were made by ancient people who lived here, about 7000 years ago (interesting facts about ancient people).
  24. In Jordan, it is customary to use only the right hand for food. Left-handed people probably have a hard time here.
  25. According to the ancient Jordanian tradition, a guest, being invited to a table, must first refuse three times before giving in and agreeing.
  26. About 6% of the population of Jordan professes Christianity, with two-thirds of this number being Orthodox.
  27. Because less than 10% of Jordanian land is suitable for agriculture, this country depends on food imports from outside.
  28. Unlike most other Middle Eastern states, Jordan is experiencing a certain shortage of oil, which partly slows down the growth of its economy.
  29. The Jordanian desert of Wadi Rum, known as the «moon valley» It is the only desert in the world protected by UNESCO. Many Hollywood films were filmed here – «The Martian», «Transformers», «Last Days on Mars» and other fantasy.
  30. Because of the conservatism of local traditions, it is almost impossible for Jordanian women to find a husband if they do not do this before the age of 25-26.
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