16 interesting facts about Salzburg

When you travel to Austria, you can’t miss the amazing city of Salzburg. Of course, Vienna is also beautiful, but you should not compare the lush capital with the provincial charm of the old city, which still retains much of its historical appearance. However, in recent years, most tourists have come to the same opinion, so there are more and more visitors to this city.

Facts about the city of Salzburg

  1. From the Austrian-German border it is only 5 kilometers away.
  2. In the 14th century, a third of the population of Salzburg died during an epidemic of plague that devastated almost half of Europe.
  3. Every third working-age resident of Salzburg is somehow connected with the tourism sector.
  4. Citizens proudly call Salzburg the musical capital of Austria, alluding to the largest music festival that takes place here, but the people of Vienna usually do not agree with them (interesting facts about Austria).
  5. Once this city lived at the expense of salt mining. He got the name in her honor, in German «salz» is «salt». So the name can be translated as «city of salt».
  6. The old town of Salzburg has been perfectly preserved to this day. It has been fully recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  7. An ancient brewery still operates here, which began work at the end of the 15th century.
  8. The unemployment rate in Salzburg is lower than in all other Austrian cities.
  9. In the 18th century, Catholics expelled all Protestants from the city.
  10. It was in Salzburg that Mozart, one of the greatest composers of all time, was born (interesting facts about Mozart).
  11. Primitive people lived on the territory of modern Salzburg back in the Stone Age.
  12. The oldest convent is located here, not only in Austria, but in general in all German-speaking countries.
  13. Salzburg has as many as 15 museums and 4 universities.
  14. From the old city to the Hohensalzburg fortress dominating it can be reached using a funicular specially built for this purpose.
  15. The historical nickname of the inhabitants of Salzburg is bull washers. Historians attribute this to the fact that once butchers settled right on the banks of the river flowing through the city, and washed meat in its waters.
  16. The Salzburg football team is considered one of the strongest in the country. In the 90s, it won the Austrian championship three times.
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