16 interesting facts about spruce

Spruce, or simply Christmas tree, as we usually call it — a very common tree throughout the world. In many countries, it is customary to decorate the spruce for Christmas, well, or for the New Year — depending on which holiday is celebrated more actively. However, this tree has many other uses, and its wood is actively used in a variety of industries.

Interesting facts about spruce

  1. Spruce is a tree related to pine.
  2. The main spruce root dies after 10-15 years of life, and the secondary roots begin to spread under the surface of the earth, without going too deep into it. That is why spruce is poorly able to withstand a hurricane wind (interesting facts about hurricanes).
  3. On average, a spruce lives two to three hundred years, but some specimens live up to six hundred.
  4. Young trees growing from the roots of a dead spruce are exact clones of the mother tree. There is a tree in Sweden that is over 9500 years old. Given the successive clone trees, this spruce can be considered the oldest living organism on Earth.
  5. An old spruce can reach a hundred meters in height.
  6. Cones on spruce begin to grow no earlier than 10 years, but no later than 50-60. It depends, first of all, on the growing conditions of the tree (interesting facts about trees).
  7. The fibers in spruce wood are distributed very evenly, so musical instruments made entirely or partly of spruce have a very clear sound.
  8. Spruce bark has been used for tanning leather since ancient times.
  9. Spruce needles, especially young ones, contain more vitamin C than lemons.
  10. Decorative spruce in height does not exceed half a meter.
  11. Every fall, spruce sheds about 15 percent of its needles, which regrow in the spring.
  12. In the spruce forest it is cooler in the heat, and warmer in winter than outside.
  13. In different types of spruces, the needles are either tetrahedral or flat.
  14. Coniferous wine, made from spruce needles, helped the crews of sailing ships fight scurvy.
  15. It is spruce that makes up the bulk of the taiga.
  16. On average, one spruce cone contains about a hundred seeds.
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