14 interesting facts about Flatworms

Small and large flatworms are ubiquitous. And indeed, far from all the living creatures around us can be seen with the naked eye – those that are smaller can sometimes not be found without a microscope. Flatworms are basically just that – small, amazingly tenacious and perfectly adapted by nature to survive. They are ubiquitous, and many of them successfully parasitize other species.

Interesting facts about flatworms

  1. At the moment, scientists know about 12 thousand species of flatworms, but from time to time time, new ones are opened.
  2. One of the largest flatworms belonging to the class of tapeworms is the bovine tapeworm parasite. It can reach a length of 10 meters. However, some parasites, in particular, flat tapeworm, can grow up to 25 meters in the human body.
  3. Many tapeworms suck food with the entire surface of the body, since most of them do not have mouths.
  4. Planarian flatworm cells are able to actually clone the worm organism again from a single cell, even if 99% of the body has been destroyed.
  5. In a sheep herd of 35,000 heads, it has been calculated that the total in the organisms of sheep flatworms reached 3 tons.
  6. If left untreated, the tapeworm can live in the human intestine for up to 20 years.
  7. The vast majority of flatworm species do not exceed 1 millimeter in length.
  8. In an unfavorable environment, planarian flatworms fall apart , and then, when conditions become more suitable for life, they unite again.
  9. Among flatworms, most species are hermaphrodites.
  10. Eating each other, some of them species can assimilate information that was known to individuals eaten.
  11. Schistosome flatworms are monogamous. They mate for life when the female settles in a pocket on the male’s body.
  12. Most species of flatworms can turn themselves inside out without harm to themselves.
  13. Over the course of a lifetime, the bovine tapeworm excretes more 11 billion eggs.
  14. The life cycle of many flatworm species begins in water bodies where their larvae live, even if they subsequently parasitize mammals.
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