16 interesting facts about the Ural Mountains

The mighty ridges of the Ural Mountains rise to a height of several kilometers, serving as a natural border between natural zones. They were formed a long time ago, in time immemorial, and among the local peoples they enjoy respect and reverence. Considerable attention is paid to the study of the Urals, and climbers do … Read more

28 interesting facts about tornadoes

Such a destructive natural phenomenon as a tornado is one of the most dangerous in the world. The destructive whirlwinds are unstoppable and wreak havoc in their path, lifting entire structures into the air, destroying houses and hurling cars. There is only one way to escape an impending tornado – by getting out of its … Read more

23 interesting facts about the Indian Ocean

The mighty Indian Ocean is simply amazing. This endless expanse of water, spreading from horizon to horizon, for a long time frightened even the most courageous sailors. Its depths are still not fully understood, and there is every reason to believe that many more secrets are hidden in these waters. However, science does not stand … Read more

30 interesting facts about cacti

Amazing in their diversity, cacti are some of the most interesting plants on earth. Many of them live much longer than humans, patiently waiting for years for favorable conditions to bloom. Due to their beauty and unpretentiousness, many cacti quickly became quite popular as houseplants, although, of course, domestic specimens are difficult to compare with … Read more

17 interesting facts about the Barents Sea

The cold Barents Sea, bordering the Arctic Ocean, cannot boast of a wide variety of living creatures living in it. This is due to the harsh climate – not all marine life is able to survive in such cold water. And this sea is also suitable for navigation only to a limited extent, because the … Read more

26 interesting facts about amur tigers

Powerful and graceful Amur tigers are very interesting animals. Unfortunately, human activity has brought them to the brink of extinction, and now, albeit belatedly, all sorts of measures are being taken to save their population. These amazing felines live mainly in protected areas where they are not threatened by humans. Interesting facts about amur tigers … Read more

25 interesting facts about Rhodes

The wonderful island of Rhodes is a real storehouse of history in the open air. Unlike a fair amount of the rest of Greece, it is covered in dense vegetation, making it an incredibly beautiful place to relax, so that local beaches attract a huge number of tourists every year. Once upon a time, Rhodes … Read more

30 interesting facts about chameleons

Amazing chameleons are created by nature to be truly interesting and unique creatures. Not many creatures on Earth have such developed abilities for mimicry, and these cold-blooded creatures stand out against their background. Of course, their ability to disguise themselves and merge with the surrounding nature is sometimes overestimated, but this does not make the … Read more

27 interesting facts about flowers

Beautiful flowers have been decorating homes for many centuries, they are used as a gift, designed to express attention, and even adorn their clothes and hair. And biologists admire their diversity, the most interesting properties of some species and the complete uniqueness of others. The life span of some of them is very short, but … Read more

36 interesting facts about ostriches

Amazing birds ostriches are not like other birds. Preferring to run rather than fly, they are not distinguished by intelligence, which does not prevent them from being perfectly adapted for survival. However, they only seem so funny, but in fact, an angry ostrich is not the enemy that one would like to meet on a … Read more